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When you get to the part of the tutorial that says buy a card box, you cant actually buy the card box because you dont have enough gems. You cant exit the screen either so you're just softlocked there.


good game, hope the game can save progress and keep player data

Yes it can. But for itch it save in browser and you can't switch device.
If you want play with all features then play on nutaku site.

(1 edit)

When you do your bext update can ypu fix the shop because for me (don't know if this is happening to other people) when i try to open the shop all i see is a black screen

Hi Heyha, try to relogin or new game(recommended)



Do you plan to make a downloadable version?

Hi Jones. The downloader client will be in the future, but the game will always require internet because in the future there will also be PvP battles.

That's cool. I agree with Jonesy in regard to the downloadable version. There are times I take my laptop places and I don't have internet. It would be nice not to have to log in or anything with just base AI or a campaign. I feel like these furry NSFW TCGs are hard to come by and it would be nice to have an offline version as well. Or at least have an offline mode if the internet if fudgy. It looks really good tho, and I'm excited for what else you have in store!